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10 Things Jeremy Lin & Joe Lin Can't Live Without

There are a few things Jeremy & Joe Lin can't live without. From Jeremy's must-have items for the court like his study bible for a peaceful mind and signature JLin 3s, to Joe's gamer necessities including his Naruto-stamped laptop and Nintendo Switch, here are the Lin brothers' essentials. Director: Danny Lin Camera Operator: Yuan Tse Lin Camera Assistant: Mao Gaffer: Tung I-Hsien Production Assistant: Ian Lin & JZ Chao Video Editor: Jonson Tai Subtitle Translator: Jolie Yeh Head of Programming & Development: Amanda Kung Production Lead: Elly Huang Talent Manager: Sylvie Yeh Creative Optimization: Samantha Wu Creative Optimization Assistant: Syen Lin Jeremy Lin's Brand by: Yoyuu

Released on 06/15/2023


My wife and I were walking in the mall.

She was like,

No, you definitely like,

deserve it.

You've been playing great.

He needs about 10 more.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

If you got like 10th player of the week.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

[lofi music]

Hey, GQ,

I'm Jeremy.

I'm Joe.

[Jeremy and Joe] And these are our 10 essentials.

[lofi music]

My first item, is my study Bible.

I bring it on the road,

you know, have time in the hotel,

especially during the season

just to be able to read,

read the Bible and kind of,

you know, meditate on some of the scriptures.

Ephesians 2:10.

The reason why that helps me a lot on the court

is cause a lot of times I'll stress.

I'll stress about how I'm playing,

I'll stress about the result.

But that verse talks about how everything

has been planned according to God's perfect plan.

And so, it allows me to remember like,

hey, if we're supposed to win,

we're gonna win.

And so it can allow me

just to enjoy the game more

and surrender the result.

[lofi music]

So one of my essentials,

is my computer primarily for gaming.

I'm a big gamer and I need games with me

wherever I go.

[Off-Camera Speaker] Why would you choose Mac over PC?

I just couldn't bring a PC here.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

Definitely PC though.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

[Jeremy claps]

And he's also the best gamer

in our family by far.

The greatest character, Hitachi.

Naruto, I mean,

it's something that me and both my brothers

just really love.

I think it's our favorite anime.

I think there's just so many things

that you can learn

in that show.

There's a lot of lessons you can learn

and the character development is top notch.

I'm not very much like Hitachi.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

Him and my older brother's favorite characters

are Hitachi,

they both like Hitachi the most.

And then mine is Naruto.

But, really,

I mean the story is all about loyalty,

family, you know,

what it means to live for each other.

And so the story resonates with us cause we're,

you know, three brothers who are very, very close

with each other.

So Hitachi is the essential brother figure

in the entire show.

So it really resonates.

[lofi music]

So going off the theme of Naruto,

I have a hard time

treating myself to nice things

and celebrating my own accomplishments.

I don't remember exactly which one,

but it was after one of the, like,

earlier player of the weeks

or something like that.

My wife and I were walking

in the mall,

and she knew that I like,

really liked it.

She's like,

No, you definitely like, deserve it.

You've been playing great.

And so she just like immediately went into the store

and was like,

We're buying this right here for you.

Like, you have to learn how to treat yourself

to nice things. [chuckles]

So she just straight up bought it for me

and got my initials engraved on it

and it's a beautiful Naruto wallet.

And so, that's one of my essentials.

I bring it everywhere I go.

He needs about 10 more.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

If he got like 10th player of the week.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

This is just a, you know, classic,

Louis wallet.

Louis. [Joe laughing]

Louis win, whatever...

My girlfriend got this for me.

She just thinks it's classic

and that I needed it

and she knows I like nice things.

[lofi music]

This is my wedding ring,

which I bring everywhere as well.

Designs that we put on there,

my wife and I basically,

they all stand for something different.

My mom really, really, really does not want me

to get a tattoo.

We've like done tattoo art

onto this entire ring.

One of 'em is a voice memo,

I love you in two different languages,

there's other ones that represent, you know,

there's certain things about scripture,

there's certain things about like,

what kind of family we want to be.

And so there's all different types of like,

you know, what kind of parents

or what kind of people we wanna be down the road.

These are just reminders to us

of, you know, the hills,

and the valleys,

and the mountaintops,

and the struggles that we've been through.

And so it's always kind of more than anything,

just a reminder of who we want to be as people.

[Off-Camera Speaker] Your wife embraces your unique life

and loves you for who you are.

So what makes you think that she's the one?

I was not expecting this question.

[Jeremy and Joe laughing]

I mean, she's just a very special person.

She loves God a lot.

She has a huge heart.

She's all about serving other people.

Makes me a better person.

[lofi music]

[Jeremy and Joe] Next essential is our


It says my gamer name, Joelinsta

And then there's a ghost sign

because my dog is named Ghost

and he's a really cute husky.

I just gotta have headphones with me everywhere I go.

I think as basketball players,

or the basketball culture,

we listen to a lot of music before games

to help you get ready,

to get your mind off anything really.

And just to be able to focus on the games.

Yeah, mine are more like,

you know, earbud types.

But, I can work out in these.


I'll listen to music on the way to the game

but even when I warm up,

I'll be listening to music.

But sometimes, we have a difference

[Joe laughing] in taste.

It'll be like seven in the morning,

like just woke up,

we'll be like lifting

and it's like,

super loud hip hop in it.

Sometimes I just wanna like,

you know, wake up a little bit,

have some little more low key.

We just like to make fun of every time we lift.

And he always turns to the music

and we're like, oh,

DJ Joelinsta,

we're back at the club. [Joe chuckles]

All right.

My essential is a necklace

with my logo.

[lofi music]

This item right here

means a lot to me

for many, many reasons.

One, this logo, designed by my Dad,

when I was a rookie,

JL seven, you can see it,

but it's two feet walking on water

is a story of when Peter walks on water.

But the other reason why,

is because this was given to me

by Xtep and by Palladium.

The first photo shoot I ever did with Joe,

was the Palladium shoot.

So that was something

that to me,

I had never experienced before.

Like we had done a lot of stuff,

we've done, you know,

events, and fan events,

and we played against each other,

and we've done a lot of things together.

We had never done a photo shoot.

This is kind of a reminder to me

of the first photo shoot I ever did with him.

And it's just a cool necklace.

[lofi music]

One of my essentials

is a Nintendo Switch.

I just game wherever I go

and just literally nonstop. [Jeremy chuckles]

What's your,

what are your like,

top two or three games, you gonna show 'em?

I mean definitely Pokemon,

second one is probably Zelda.

There's a new Zelda coming out

that's- May 12th.


And you will not find me

when that comes out. [Jeremy laughing]

[Jeremy claps]

I would say Mario Kart

and Mario Party are really fun games too

cause you can play with friends.

There was one time though,

when he like,

was getting to know my wife.

My wife thought she was good at Mario Kart,

and they played Mario Kart

for 45 minutes straight.

He beat her every time

and it was like,

the funniest thing ever

cause she kept thinking like,

Oh, I might be able to beat Joe one time.

That's my fault.

That's not cool. [Jeremy laughing]

I shouldn't have,

I shouldn't have done that. [laughs]

He felt bad.

Like, are you sure you want to keep racing?

And she's like, Let's go one more.

And it just like,

it was just got ridiculous.

[lofi music]

This is the most ridiculous thing

that you don't have a case.

One of my essentials is my phone.

Might be wondering why

I don't have a case,

but I like a sleek and you know,

slim, it's easy to hold.

I think it looks nice as it is.

It's a new thing that I've done recently.

But I think phone's important

because like your family,

your loved ones,

you never know what's happening.

So, and at least for us, like,

our basketball teams always have different things going on.

So, you always need to be up to date

with news and what's going on

with the team and stuff like that.

[Off-Camera Speaker] Who's the last person you called

on the phone?

Last person would probably be,

my Dad.

He called me though.

[Jeremy and Joe chuckling]

[lofi music]

This is one of my essentials.

These are the JLin3s.

This is my favorite

of all my signature shoes.

Yeah, I just, this, like,

when I was young,

I'd be like,

Oh I'm gonna make the NBA or whatever,

but you never even think about like,

I'm gonna have my own signature shoe.

It was not even in the realm of like,

what we would think about.

So, I mean it's incredible.

It really is.

I never thought that day would come

but, now I'm onto my third signature shoe.

And this colorway

is my [foreign word] colorway.

For every three pointer I make,

I donate money to [indistinct]

And so that's what this one is all about.

This colorway and this shoe.

[lofi music]

My last essential is a book,

Enough About Me,

the Unexpected Power of Selflessness.


with everything that's been going on,

there's been a lot of spotlight around me.

It's really easy to think

that the world revolves around me

or to kind of buy into the hype

and you know,

remembering that like,

you know, life is the most purposeful

when it's not about yourself.

And so this is just a reminder to me,

you know, Jesus always wants us

to live for him and for others.

So that's why I chose this book specifically right now.

[lofi music]

Thanks for watching.

These are our essentials.

Linsta Nation, we out.

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